Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome Mr Toothrot

This project is something I've been working on lately in my free time. Not happy enough with taking care of an open source project, I've gone ahead and started another one.

They are kind of related though. The following image is a screenshot of the current Toothrot test application.

Nope, it's not another animation editor... Toothrot is a .NET control to create node diagrams so that anyone can create applications that have this kind of node editing.

The fact that I've received quite a few requests for the old control made me think there is a need for something similar to this.

Here is the link to the sourceforge project page.


Miguel said...

Hi Pau,

I'd like to take a look at this control. Is it possible to download it somewhere ? I checked on sourceforge but there is nothing posted there. Thanks a lot !

Pau said...

Hi Miguel,

Sure, you can get it form the sourceforge project page, but you'll have to get it directly from subversion and build it yourself, as I yet haven't prepared any downloads for it.

If you have any further questions be sure to ask :)

Vimes said...

Awesome! I've been looking forward to that since you showed your animation editor, and best of all, you released this just when I'm needing it.
Keep up the good work!

Lance said...

This looks great! Will play with it the next chance I get. :D

Waldemar Medina said...

Hola Pau,

This Control is Superb, perfect for a project I'm doing right now. It is what i was looking for some time now!

Gracias por este control!
Excelente Trabajo!

Cabron Tormenta said...

Lalalalala.... update? xD

El Equipo Fantasma said...

Hi Pau,

It's a very interesting project.

I want comunicate you, our development blog project game of this year in the UPC.

I hope recive any sugestion! If it's posible flattery, but if you can't, we accept curses too.
