I've spent this last weekend in a stand ( booth? ) together with Sergi at the
GameStorming event in Barcelona as part of the game creation competition, showing our game to everyone interested. I had much more fun than I expected and met lots of people from other development teams.
I'd like to congratulate the
Agedya team on wining the competition. Totally deserved. They've put a lot of effort in this project, and it's very nice that they get some recognition from it. I already had played the game before the event and liked it a lot, but it was great getting to learn how the combat mechanics work... although I died miserably lots of times until I got the hang of it...
And of course I also want to congratulate my good friends at
Izanami for wining the prize from the public with their game
The End Of The World, for making a great and fun game, and just
for being as awesome as they are!
I'm leaving with an image of the poster we made for the event, to maintain my policy of at least a picture per post.